ZTE on Tuesday announced the launch of its new V5 Android smartphone in the Indian market. Priced at INR 10,999, the phone will retail exclusively at Snapdeal.com online as well as brick and mortar stores.
According to ZTE, the smartphone is being targeted to selfie-lovers and comes with a 5MP front shooter with 88-degree super wide angle lens and BSI sensor. Among other specifications, the phone features a 5-inch 720p HD display, Snapdragon 400 quad-core processor, 1GB of RAM and Android 4.4 with Nubia 2.0 UI.
In addition, the manufacturer has included a 13MP rear camera with composite IR filter and Sony Exmor sensor. The ZTE V5 also packs 4GB of internal storage, microSD card slot, dual-SIM support and 2400 mAh battery.
At this price-tag, the ZTE smartphone will be competing with the likes of Asus Zenfone 5, the upcoming new Moto G and Xiaomi Mi 3 smartphones in the country.
ZTE V5 goes on sale immediately and will be sold in White colour option.
Nubia-series launch
ZTE revealed at V5 launch event that it plans to soon release the flagship Nubia-range of phones in the country, which are also likely to be exclusively available at Snapdeal.com.
Developing story, check back for more.
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