
Pushbullet update allows you to reply to texts from your PC


Pushbullet’s capabilities are becoming much more complex and interactive with every update. The last version allowed users to copy/paste across computers and smartphones, an outstanding and productive feature many of you loved. Today’s update is even more exciting – it makes it a little easier to communicate by allowing you to respond to text messages from your computer.

Previously exclusive to only 4 messaging apps, this feature is now compatible with all texting apps.
Previously exclusive to only 4 messaging apps, this feature is now compatible with all texting apps. This is what makes this update special, as it provides PC/Android text messaging syncing without limitations. Using this feature is relatively simple and natural; we can see it becoming a function you will no longer know how to live without.

Users need simply click on the text message notification on their computers. After that, just type away and press enter. That’s it! All without ever picking up your phone.

I did run into some discrepancies and wasn't able to recreate this feature.
I did run into some discrepancies and wasn’t able to recreate this feature, though. It’s quite a bummer, as I was amazingly excited to give it a test. Maybe the feature is still rolling out? It could just be that I am not using Windows. We are not quite sure, but we would love to hear your experiences with this feature.

Regardless, Pushbullet is bringing great multi-platform functionality, pushing (pun not intended) some very highly-requested features we would otherwise have to jump through hoops to get. Want to test out this and other features? Go ahead and download all your Pusbullet apps from the official website.

Source: grossiste en ligne

