Alongside the new Honor Holly smartphone, Huawei also detailed the India release plans of the Honor X1 tablet. The tablet has been priced at INR 19,999 and will go on sale starting October 15 exclusively at e-retailer
Huawei Honor X1 joins the company’s recently launched Honor T1 tablet in the country and is being positioned as mid-range 3G slate for the consumers. It features a 7-inch 1920x1200p display, 1.6GHz Cortex-A9 quad-core processor, 2GB of RAM and 16GB of internal storage. In addition, the tablet packs 13MP rear camera, 5MP front shooter, and Android 4.2 with Emotion UI.
Huawei has also included 5000 mAh battery, 3G, voice-calling support, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS in the Honor X1 tablet.
At this price-tag, the Huawei tablet will be competing with the likes of Lenovo Yoga 8, Lenovo A8, and HP Slate 7 VoiceTab in the country.
Source: grossiste en ligne